Quotes and Annotations

“Let me tell you something, boys and girls, you can "straight act" all you want, but if you're sleeping with your own sex, to the rest of the world, you're as gay as John Waters living in a pink tent with Rachel Maddow while watching Drag Race. You might as well own it.” This quote can be seen as problematic because of mentions of sex and because it encourages people to be proud of their identity, because some people may be ashamed of it.
"When a person comes out as trans, it could mean admitting they sometimes like to cross-dress or that they intend to identify as their chosen gender full time." This passage could be considered offensive because many people don't understand being transgender, and may think that this book is influencing their children into it. People who may be offended by this passage may believe that being trans is wrong and not something their children should be exposed to.
"People using religion to hate LGBT people are going to do so no matter how well we argue our case. You'll spout logiv until you're blue in the face and some homophobes will continue to hate." This quote could've led to the banning of the book because it jabs at people who use religion as an excuse to spread hate. It also implies that being LGBT is supported by fact, and while it is, some people may choose not to believe this and become offended when it is said.

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